Kerang Christian College

Student Leadership

At Kerang Christian College we have identified leadership as an important skill to develop in all of our students. Our students can serve as leaders in a variety of ways in our school community. Students can lead in sport, academics, chapel and community service. All students can be role models for others in our school community. We are encouraged in the Bible, “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up,” Galatians 6:9.

The student leadership program at Kerang Christian College has expanded and matured each year. 

Student Representative Council 

This year the Student Representative Council (SRC) will include Home Group Captains for Years 7 – 12, the Middle School Captains, House Captains and the Year 12 School Captains. The SRC provides a student voice for students at Kerang Christian College where members can share feedback and recommendations on matters that affect students at our school. 

House Captains

Students at Kerang Christian College will be allocated to a House for academic, sporting, cultural and service events. This allows recognition of effort and achievement in academic pursuits, College and community service, the demonstration of College values, and participation in the life of the College on top of sporting pursuits. The three houses are Adams House, Baker House and Provis House. Each House has a Captain. 

Middle School Captains

Each year, one or two Year 9 students are elected by staff and students as Middle School Captains. They represent students studying in Years 7 – 9 at Kerang Christian College.

School Captains

Each year, one or two Year 12 students are elected by staff and students as School Captains. Staff and students also elect one or more Sports Captains. 



Contact Us

For more information or to book a tour of our facilities, please contact the College Office on:

98 Wyndham St, Kerang VIC 3579
P: (03) 5450 3894

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