Kerang Christian College

Child Safety

The Child Safe Standards aim to drive cultural change in organisations that provide services for children so that protecting children from abuse is embedded in everyday thinking and practice.

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Kerang Christian College is committed to promoting and protecting at all times the best interests of children involved in its programs.

All children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse.

Kerang Christian College has zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working at Kerang Christian College is responsible for the care and protection of the children within our care and reporting information about suspected child abuse.

Child protection is a shared responsibility between the Kerang Christian College, all employees, workers, contractors, associates, and members of the Kerang Christian College community.

Kerang Christian College will consider the opinions of children and use their opinions to develop child protection policies.

Kerang Christian College supports and respects all children, staff and volunteers. Kerang Christian College is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children living with a disability.

Child Safety Code of Conduct
The Board, Leadership Team, staff, volunteers and contractors at Kerang Christian College are required to abide by the College's Child Safety Code of Conduct. Please find below a link to the College's Child Safety Code of Conduct: 
Child Safety Code of Conduct (Last Updated: April 2019) 

Child Safe Strategy Document
Kerang Christian College has embraced the opportunity to strengthen the safety of our operations. A key objective for Kerang Christian College is to embed child safety practices into our culture. The work that is involved in building a child safe organisation is never completed. It is a dynamic, multifaceted and ongoing developmental process of learning, monitoring and reviewing. Maintaining a child safe organisation is not a one-off task. It must become part of our school’s ongoing processes and be embedded into our culture. Your feedback and support with developing a child safe culture is greatly valued. Please find below a link to the College's Child Safe Strategy Document:
Child Safe Strategy Document (Last Updated: June 2019) 

Child Safe Policy
The College Board has approved a Child Safe Policy (Policy No. 54). The Child Safe Policy is a comprehensive and overarching document that provides an overview of the key elements of Kerang Christian College’s approach to creating a child safe organisation. 
Child Safe Policy (Last Updated: April 2019) 

Procedures for responding to and reporting allegations of suspected child abuse 
Kerang Christian College has a clear procedure for responding to allegations of suspected child abuse in accordance with Ministerial Order No. 870 and other legal obligations. The Child Protection Policy at Kerang Christian College documents the College's procedures for Staff at the College. The Fact Sheets below document the College's procedures in a way that is accessible to children, volunteers and the wider community. 
Child Protection Fact Sheet (Last Updated: May 2019)
Child Protection Student Fact Sheet (Last Updated: May 2019)

Child Wise Resource for Parents

Child Wise is a non-profit organisation whose mission is "to build the capacity of families, communities and organisations to keep children and young people safe from harm." Their resources aid organisations and families in how to discuss child safe issues at an age-appropriate level.

Parent's Guide to Talking to Children

Social Media Policy

The College Board has passed a Social Media Policy which clarifies the expectations regarding the sharing and posting of photos of Kerang Christian College students on personal social media pages. The policy outlines expectations for staff and for students while at School or at School-sponsored events and also sets out guidelines for our community members to promote a culture of consent and safety in posting images where students are identifiable. Thank you for helping to create a culture of consent in our School community.

Social Media Policy (Last updated: May 2019)

Feedback and Interpretation Requests
Kerang Christian College values your feedback on our Child Safe Strategy Document. Please provide any feedback, interpreter requests or suggestions to the Principal at the undernoted address. 

Published by
Kerang Christian College
98 Wyndham Street, Kerang VIC 3579
P: +61 3 5450 3894

Contact Us

For more information or to book a tour of our facilities, please contact the College Office on:

98 Wyndham St, Kerang VIC 3579
P: (03) 5450 3894

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