Kerang Christian College

Primary School

Kerang Christian College offers Primary School studies catering for children in Prep to Year 6. The curriculum has a strong focus on developing literacy and numeracy skills. Students study a range of subjects guided by the Australian Curriculum, including Science, History, Geography, Humanities, ICT, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Auslan.

Opportunities also exist for younger students to interact positively through our buddy programs with older Primary School students. The College is deliberate about building a sense of community and cooperation within the school.

Students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities. Many of these activities have a community focus, but are also in place to make learning authentic. Students have an opportunity to participate in camps, excursions, sporting events, musicals, competitions, incursions, chapels, assemblies and much more.

At Kerang Christian College, our teaching staff are committed to meeting the individual needs of each student. Curriculum differentiation provides an opportunity for staff to best meet the needs of each learner. Effective differentiation challenges each student with their learning in order to ensure each student grows in their learning across a range of curriculum areas. Kerang Christian College teachers differentiate curriculum by:

Every effort is made to ensure that there are strong communication links between the home and College. SEQTA Learn & Engage, the College diary, weekly bulletins, and the monthly newsletter, The Harvest, are key communication tools. Other communication tools include handbooks, class letters, email, telephone and individual notes to parents. We believe it is important that parents and guardians are well informed about curriculum and student progress at Kerang Christian College. 

It is our prayer and desire that every student will have a positive experience at school. A positive experience involves students developing healthy relationships, achieving their personal best, maintaining physical and emotional well-being and developing a greater understanding of Christian faith and character.

Contact Us

For more information or to book a tour of our facilities, please contact the College Office on:

98 Wyndham St, Kerang VIC 3579
P: (03) 5450 3894

Prep to VCE at
one school in Kerang

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